With MedSat TV on demand, your employees, customers and passengers will be able to access TV, movies and their favourite multimedia content from anywhere in the world: on a ferry in the middle of the Atlantic, an underground mine in the middle of Niger or a cruise in the Caribbean.


Anywhere & Everywhere


MedSat TV on demand

MedSat TV on demand is an innovative infotainment solution allowing access to your multimedia content anywhere and at any time. 

Maritime solutions

MedSat offers you a complete service for your passengers:

  • Customer portal with access to your services
  • More than 15 modules available according to your needs
  • Video on demand

Your screens become your customers' concierge (services, excursions, room service, etc.) and allow you to save time while providing 24/7 access to your services.

VOD video content

In order to offer you the best of the videos, MedSat offers you:

  • Existing packages to integrate into your interface
  • A tailor-made MedSat package to be integrated into your solution

Our content contains the latest releases in over 20 languages (audio & subtitles) to best meet the requirements of your customers or users.

Additional MedSat services

In addition to our classic TV solutions, our technology allows us to provide your customers, employees or passengers with the following services

  • Live transmission of events between the different sites
  • Catalogue renewal, either through existing catalogues or tailor-made through MedSat
  • Full broadcast service including in-car video infrastructure

The most

MedSat TV

All our services include facial and voice recognition


  • Access to invoices and reservations
  • Booking of excursions
  • Restaurant and SPA reservations
  • Access and purchase of photos
  • Customer reviews
  • Ticket printing

Interactive kiosks

  • Plan
  • Restaurant availability
  • Weather and news feed


  • Access to films, series and live TV
  • Invoices and reservations
  • Room service
  • Click & Collect
  • Customer reviews

Passenger aircraft

  • Includes all services of other devices
  • Responsive HTML5 for maximum compatibility
  • Redirection to iCafe Internet


+1 202 239 2865

+32 153 310 66

Luxembourg : Hauptstrooss 58 - L-9753 Heinerscheid

USA: 1100 H Street NW Suite C-101 Washington DC 20005


Would you like to know more and get in touch with our teams?